Jack Newton, 23, decided to have his right leg inked with the theoretical physicist's face after reading his best-selling book A Brief History of Time - even though he didn't understand a word of it.
The tattoo - complete with a Monty Python line from the classic Life of Brian film 'He's not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy' written underneath it - has already won two trophies at tattoo conventions.
Mr Newton of Brighton, said: 'I read A Brief History of Time, but to be honest I didn't understand a word, but I respect the man and that's why I got his face tattooed on my leg.
'He has worked on some ground-breaking scientific research and is an amazing example of how illness does not necessarily stop a man from doing great things.
'He's an inspiration to us all.'
Jack, a trainee artist at the Angelic Hall tattoo studios in Brighton, spent seven hours being inked by tattoo artist Stewart Francis।
Stephen Hawking, who has an IQ of 152, suffers from a type of motor neuron disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - or Lou Gehrig's disease - which means he has almost no neuromuscular control.