With only one eye, a withered ear, three legs and skin ravaged by cancer, nine-year-old Gus has been crowned the world's ugliest dog.
The nine-year-old Chinese Crested dog has spent the last eight years, since being rescued by owner Jeanenne Teed from a crate in a garage, battling all manner of illnesses.
Despite a series of operations costing Jeanenne more than £2,500, Gus is still battling cancer, but his loving family claim he is "so ugly he's cute".

Gus scooped the title of World's Ugliest Dog at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in California.
Jeanenne, 46, said: "We have had Gus for the last eight years.
"He had been kept in a crate inside a garage for a year when we found him. He wasn't socialised and his nails had grown to the point where he couldn't walk.
"When we got him he was four-legged, two-eyed and his ears stood up straight but he was in a bad way.
"He quickly developed hematoma in one ear and when that was stitched down his ear crinkled over.

"He had no hair. Most Chinese Crests can be beautiful dogs, but Gus was so hairless he was hideous.
"That was the beginning of the end for his ugliness factor."
In December 2006 Gus was diagnosed with skin cancer after patches of dry skin developed on his body and his legs became ulcerated.
The condition deteriorated so much he had to have his back left leg removed and he was given just six- to nine months to live.
Jeanenne and her children Janey, 16, and Tommy, 14, decided to act and opted for doggy chemotherapy.

"We had to decide: Do we put him through the treatment?," said Jeanenne.
"Was it fair to him, was it fair to the family? We were talking radical surgery, amputating the one leg and then taking quite a bit of the other leg to remove as much tumour as possible.
"That was the hardest decision to make and it turned out to be the right decision because after the treatment he was up and walking and he didn't miss his leg at all.
"Then we followed that up with some chemotherapy for three months."
Despite being an accountant, Jeanenne admits that her financial common sense went out of the window when she paid for Gus' treatment.
"The financial implications were radical, I am an accountant by trade so I am supposed to be very rational when it comes to finances but I became very irrational and common sense went out of the window.
"In total it cost the family $5,000.
"I went from driving a 1997 Mercedes Benz to driving a 1997 Ford Escort Wagon. Its a jump in the wrong direction if you know what I mean."
Due to his condition Gus receives extra special treatment in the household, which includes seven-year-old Chihuahua Buttons, cats Princess and Tiger, both aged seven, and two-year-old cat Slinky.
Poor Gus lost his eye thanks to a tiff with Slinky, who lashed out and scratched him, possibly in a fit of jealousy.
Now he is facing a second cancer battle, following the return of the cancer. Radiation treatment could cost Jeanenne a further £2,500.
However, for Jeanenne and her children, winning the ugliest dog award was just deserts for brave Gus.
"Gus is pretty ugly and he certainly has an ugly side where he has no leg or eye," she said.
"And even though Gus is still ill, we are hopeful he will be able to defend his title in a year's time.
"We are hoping he will stay healthy enough to do radiation in a few months and in that case we are back next year to defend our crown at the ugliest dog in the world competition."